Monday, January 26, 2015

list of famous celebrities

list of famous celebrities .... One of the major mistakes that people, or rather, married couples make is not celebrating Valentines Day. A lot of married men will tell you that Valentines Day isn't anything more than the designated 'Buy over priced flowers for your wife' day. Women will at the most cook a dinner that has to be eaten with knives and forks (instead of the usual spoon or just a fork) and that just about wraps up Valentines Day. There's such a thing as a frugal Valentines Day but this is two notches below that. This is down right 'I don't Care It's Valentines Day'.
Married couples should celebrate Valentines Day for its very spirit, to celebrate love. It should be celebrated for the same reason as celebrating your wedding anniversary. For married people taking time out for themselves and for each other takes a backseat to raising a family and all those other problems that come with wedlock. There comes a time when every man or woman in a marriage will think "Things aren't like the way they used to be when we were dating'. The reason behind this being, it's probably the truth. Before people get married, i.e. when they're in the whole dating phase both partners invest time and money in each other. To put it in simply, they communicate their love in many different ways. Women are likely to miss Valentines Day the most because when you're dating Valentine day is like an anniversary complete with gifts and valentines flowers and there is no woman on earth who doesn't like to be pampered.
After five years of marriage (not to mention a likely five years of forgetting the wedding anniversary) an excited and happy good morning greeting is replaced by "Who's making the coffee?" which is precisely why it's a good idea to celebrate Valentines day, so you can reconnect with your spouse. It's usually a popular idea among couples to recreate the day they first met, if nothing else but for the revival of their sentiments. Most understandably, married couples reserve any and all funds for the family which means no buying gifts for each other on and off. Valentine gifts on the other hand are a great way to still show some affection for your spouse. You both know that you'd rather save for the family bear in mind that romantic gifts don't need to cost an arm and a leg. They can be simple and just the fact that your spouse took time and put some consideration in to buying a romantic gift for you can go a long way.
The bottom line, Valentines Day is important for married couples, as much if not more, as it is for dating ones. Every woman likes to get chocolate gifts and buying simple valentine chocolate gifts is all a guy really need s to rekindle things with the wife. As for women, making a real dinner, changing out of the house slacks and doing your hair can make a huge difference. Marriage is all about making an effort
I am a house wife and have been married for twenty wonderful years. Together, my husband and I have been through the good and the bad. No matter what, we'd always celebrate our anniversary and Valentines Day. Through the worst of fights and even the rare times when I went to stay with my sister, I'd still receive romantic gifts and valentines roses from my husband. Things might at one point have been hanging by a thread but just the fact that we still exchanged valentine hearts and valentine gifts made me recall what it was like to be young and carefree. Chocolate gifts on our anniversary and valentine chocolate gifts made me recall being seventeen and sneaking out to be with my valentine. Nothing is big or important enough to bypass the celebration of love.

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