Monday, January 26, 2015

famous celebrity pictures news

famous celebrity pictures ..... So February 14th is rolling around again, and why not take advantage of this holiday by giving your children a little extra love and attention. As a parent myself, I am sure that you give your children all the love and attention they need, but I also know that sometimes we get caught up in the hustles and bustles of day to day life. Use this opportunity so you too can relax, have fun and maybe even be a kid again yourself! With a little extra time and effort you can make this day extra special and unique, by celebrating and reconnecting with your children in the tradition of Valentine's Day. Here are some fun ways to celebrate with your kids:
1)Plan Ahead! Sit down with your child the weekend before Valentine's Day and help them write or create Valentine's Day cards for their friends and classmates. Use this opportunity to teach your child a good life lesson, "To be kind to others and treat everyone with the same respect that they would like for themselves". Think back to your days of grade school. Remember how sometimes Valentine's Day became a measure of popularity when one child got no Valentine's, while another child got more Valentine's then even another. It may be a nice gesture to encourage your child to equally give Valentine's Day cards to all of their classmates and friends.
2)Even though you may not be able to spend the entire day with your child, you can make your presence known during the middle of the day by leaving an "I Love You", "XOXOXO", or Happy Valentine's Day card or note in their lunchbox. It might embarrass them a little, but deep down inside it will warm their hearts and have a lasting loving affect.
3)Make an extra special dinner for the family. Why not have a family picnic? Depending on which part of the country you live in, some of you may be thinking "Hey, it's cold in February!" Be creative, you can have a picnic either inside or outside. Think red or pink for theme decor. Lay a red or pink blanket down, surround yourself with pillows and make it comfy! Use some heart shaped decorative napkins, Valentine's Day themed plastic plates and utensils. For the meal, red or pink food coloring can turn almost any food into a Valentine's Day themed food. How about some Valentine's Day BBQ Chicken, mashed potatoes with red food coloring added, or white cheddar macaroni and cheese with red food coloring added. For the veggies you can have tomatoes, radishes, red peppers, or beets. For drinks, cherry flavored cool aid, raspberry ginger ale, or strawberry Quick may be fun! Ready for dessert? You can use the traditional sweets such as heart shaped chocolates, cupcakes with red or pink frosting, or sugar cookies cut out with a heart shaped cookie cutter made with red food coloring and sprinkles. Or try some healthy alternatives, sugar-free strawberry or cherry Jell-O, strawberries and cool whip, or apples sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and cut into hearts using a heart shaped cookie cutter.
4)Give them a lesson in history! Are you wondering why we even begun celebrating Valentine's Day? I am sure your kids were wondering the same thing. Here is a little history that you can share with them over you special dinner. Some of the legends that I have heard state:
a) St. Valentine was a priest during third century Rome, and the emperor during
this time was Emperor Claudius II. Emperor Claudius II felt that single men made better soldiers then those that were married. St. Valentine was a priest that married young couples against his Emperor's wishes. When Emperor Claudius II found out that St. Valentine married the young couples, he sentenced St.Valentine to death.
b) Another fable states that Valentine was an imprisoned man that fell in
love with his imprisoner's daughter. Right before Valentine was put to death he wrote a love letter to the imprisoner's daughter and signed it "Your Valentine".
c) Yet another tale speaks of Cupid as he relates to Valentine's Day. In ancient Greece Cupid was known as Eros the young son of Aphrodite,(the goddess of love and beauty). While, in Rome, he was the son of Mercury, (winged messenger of the gods), and his mother was Venus the (goddess of love). Either way, he was considered a mischievous and playful infant who struck humans and gods with his bow and arrows. It has been declared that those who were struck by the arrows would fall in love.
5)Involve your kids in a family project! Buy a disposable camera for each family member, and take pictures during your day. Buy some pink, red, or white poster boards and label them "My Special Valentine's Day, "Valentine's Day with My Family", or anything else, you as a family choose! Don't forget to add the year so you can remember the exact date. Use glitter, stickers, and colored markers to decorate. Once you develop the photos, you can add the photos to the decorated poster board as a family and create a collage of your special day.

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