Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How Do People of Different Religions Celebrate New Years?

How Do People of Different Religions Celebrate New Years?...........
New Years first appeared in the period of emperors when it was used by the emperors to memorize the beginning and the ending of the year. The coming New Year always makes us feel quite excited and we also have many expectations and resolutions for the New Year. The celebration for this festival becomes a worldwide custom, and people adopt a lot of ways to celebrate this important festival. But the exact date of New Years and the ways vary a lot according to different religions.

For the Christian, they celebrate on January 1st and the traditions including the New Year Baby, the Auld Lang Syne song, and the resolutions for the coming year. And the crackers and other fireworks are also the important part of the New Year festival. The New Year Baby is a image of the rebirth and is mostly displayed by Christians. The special song is often sang by a group on the New Years Eve and there are also some other activities like having black-eyed peas. The fireworks are first used to scare away the evils, but they are now used to make happiness and fun. When the clock strike 12 at the midnight, people will hug or kiss each other and say happy New Year.

For the people in different countries of Buddhism, the date of New Year can be quite different. In Thailand, the New Year is celebrated in April for three days and the major tradition is to throw water to other people which mean the purity of the soul. In China, Korea and Vietnam, New Year is celebrated in January or February. And people usually wear fresh clothing and prepare a meal for the whole family to celebrate the coming year. But in Tibet, the date depends on the Tibetan calendar and people will give food to the monks to get some kind of wishes. And they will also dance and use fireworks.

There are also some other kinds of celebrations of different religions to celebrate the New Year. And the symbols or images they used are all related to the specific religion. Most of them will refresh their houses or buy new clothes for the special day. And nearly all the people will hold different activities in order to get best wishes or good luck in the coming year.

Most countries in the world have the New Year on January 1, but different countries of different religions have differences in the celebrations of New Year, and most of the activities show people' best wishes and happiness for the coming year. No matter what happened in the last year, we should be hopeful and confident in doing better in the coming year.

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