Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Guillermo Haro Celebrates New Year

Expert Author Ron BadillesGuillermo Haro Celebrates New Year......
Everyone is excited to celebrate New Year after Christmas. Even celebrities and stars do celebrate New Year. How about scientists, inventors, astronomers, and philosophers? Do they celebrate it too? Well, Guillermo Haro celebrates New Year so maybe all of them do. Haro is a famous philosopher and astronomer who finished his studies at University of Mexico. He then went to United States and study astronomy at Harvard. A lot of his inventions greatly helped us today in our daily lives. Though only few of our generation now knew him, he was quite popular in his time for his outstanding performance.

As Guillermo Haro celebrates the start of a year, he also assesses himself and points out his weak spots that need more improvements. I guess all people do this in order to evaluate their performances. The end of the year is the perfect time to reminisce about what have you done in the whole year and summarized it. You can also evaluate it and see if you have improved compared to the year before or if your work deteriorated. As an inventor, this kind of exercise is important for him in order to invent better things in the future and help more people.

The start of the year is a good time to change all your bad behaviors and correct all mistakes that you have done in the past year. It's like giving you a fresh start for everything and making you feel that you need to improve this coming year. Though you can evaluate yourself at anytime of the year, the start of the year is always the best time to do it. Guillermo Haro never though about when you made the promise to be good. He was only concerned if you did it or not. At least if you want a better year for you and your family, you can start it with yourself. This is how Haro celebrates New Year.

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