Sunday, January 25, 2015

valentine of famous celebrity pictures

famous celebrity pictures ...... How do you celebrate Valentine's Day? We don't normally do very much. We've been married almost 40 year, and we just share our love through-out the year.
However, we used to be team couple for Marriage Encounter. A program that worked with married couples to encourage them to improve their communications, their individual lives and their married lives. Communication, as old as the cliché is, is the basis of a great marriage. We have share our "feelings", found deep inside of us, and not just our thoughts and options. Feelings are expressions of how we "feel", they are neither right nor wrong, and they just are. We don't really "feel" like taking a shower - we "feel grimy" so we "think" we will take a shower. See the difference? When you are talking about how something affects you, think about the "feel" word and put an "I Feel... " in front of the word. Then you know it is likely a feeling and not a thought or judgment.
So what does that have to do with Valentines' Day? Well, it's like this. This one special day of the year is a time to express how you "feel" famous celebrities in hollywood about your loved ones. You express your thoughts with feeling words, such as "I feel grateful of how you work so hard to support your family" or I feel overwhelming love when you do the dishes without me asking". It makes your words so much more meaningful when you're expressing your feeling and not just your thoughts, such as "thanks for doing the dishes".
When we were involved with Marriage Encounter, the yearly meetings were held over Valentine's Day. We celebrated the day in various parts of the country - New Mexico, California to Colorado. The weekend was spend in meetings and planning, but the highlight was the romantic candle light dinner, with a time of sharing with other couples, to share how were blessed by our mates and communicate on a deep personal level. We spend time in God's country, hiking, walking and talking. Taking time to be alone with the one you love, sharing conversation or just enjoying silence in glorious nature.
It's not always possible to spend the time or the money to go away to a romantic get-away. You can spend some of that romantic time at home. Take a walk, pack a picnic, discuss your marriage (not your kids, or work, or sports or anything else) talk about your goals as a couple, make plans to enhance your "coupleness" over the next year. And maybe when the end of the evening come your private time will be even better!!
Make this a memorable Valentine's names of famous celebrities Day for you and your mate.
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