Sunday, January 25, 2015

choose famous celebrities in hollywood

famous celebrities in hollywood ..... Do you remember as a child having a coloring book where you were shown a scene, perhaps some mountains with trees, a flowing stream and lake, a forest, etc. and below the picture the caption read:
"Hidden in this picture is a little boy in a cart being pulled by a donkey. Can you find them?"
No matter how hard you tried, you were unable to find them until you turned the page and the artist showed you how cleverly he had hidden them. They were there all the while, but you couldn't "see the whole picture"... Well, let's play a game... Let's see if you can find the "hidden picture" now...
We have heard quite a bit in the last few years, even prior to the downturn in the economy, about drooping cosmetic /perfume sales in the United States. We are told that annual sales are down one or more billion dollars. Now I do not claim to be an expert in economics, but I have made some subtle if not interesting observations. My company is barely 3 years old. I am doing well; I am a relative new-comer to the fragrance business and perhaps that "in and of itself" qualifies me to make the forthcoming observations.
The fragrance market in the US today seems to be list of famous celebrities "locked into" the same old mold. The poet EE Cummings once wrote, "the cult of same is all the chic." He could well have been writing about the fragrance business here. The paradigm used is the same old thing "like the proverbial dog that chases its tail" and keeps running in circles. My background is 36 years in the classroom as a high school teacher, and my journey "from classroom to fragrance" these last few years has been a fascinating one. It has also been quite successful. Perhaps it is because I am "outside the box" or "paradigm" and have, I believe, a clearer view. I need no focus group to tell me what I see, and what I see is not just a "glut" of new fragrance releases (that is not the problem), but a marketing technique that is "tired and old."
The fragrance "power companies" here seem "enamored" with big names, for obvious reasons. The use of big named Hollywood stars" or "sports figures" may have "drawing power", however, there is a "downside" to this. Many of today's new fragrances are "dead upon arrival", and yet the fragrance business persists in following a "failed paradigm". Do I sound arrogant? Hardly. I do not mean it unkindly though unkindly it may be taken. Last time I checked, celebrities had the same rights as me. They are free to enter the fragrance industry and compete. However, I believe there is a better place and use for celebrities in the fragrance business. I am a part of this fragrance industry... a minor part. I am a small "start up" company, and many small independent companies like mine are doing well! I have tried to avoid the pitfalls of the big famous celebrity pictures cosmetic companies. I respect their past success, but I want to avoid their mistakes.

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