Sunday, January 25, 2015

list of famous celebrities valentine

list of famous celebrities .....Valentine's Day is a day when those in "love" celebrate the one's they love. They purchase chocolate, diamonds, or flowers. They dedicate songs and write poetry on a card. For one day during the year people elevate the one they love to a pedestal and celebrate them. Children share tiny Valentine's Day cards with their class mates. They buy candy to share with their friends. For one day, people set aside differences and share a piece of candy with some saying of sweetness upon it. Valentine's Day is a day of love. A day that seems to have nothing negative associated with it.
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. For a moment, imagine this. Imagine that every Monday of every week, we set aside our differences and celebrate the love in our lives? What would happen? Imagine if we did it seven days a week, 52 weeks a year? What would happen? Can you imagine if this day of love happened every day of the week.
Each moment on each of those days would hollywood celebrity name become filled with the loving energy that ripples outward endlessly. Each day we would celebrate the joy of love. Each day we would celebrate and share with the people in our lives that bring us happiness. Just imagine.
Before you wonder, yes I am married. I have been with my husband for a little over 21 years. We do not celebrate Valentine's Day as such, nor do we celebrate our wedding anniversary or the first date anniversary either. Yet, we have a strong wonderful relationship filled with more love than you can imagine. Every morning when we awake we say I love you. Every day we share something we are grateful for that the two of us share. Every day we call one another just to say Hey I miss you. Every night before we go to sleep we say I love and thank you for being a part of my life. Amazing concept.
Every chance I have I tell my children I love you. When famous celebrities in hollywood I speak with my mom, whether on the phone or in person, I say I love you. Is it so hard to imagine celebrating a day of love every day? Is it so hard to imagine really?

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